Vercel Edge Functions

All Pipeline Nodes support Vercel Edge Functions out of the box 🎉

You can define them manually and invoke them as usual or use the built-in helpers.

Aigur Vercel Helpers

Aigur Client has built-in helpers for invoking Pipeline on Vercel Edge Functions.

Define Your Pipeline Repository

Create an object that holds references to your Pipelines where the key is their id.


export const jokeGptPipeline = aigur.pipeline.create<..., ...>({
id: 'jokegpt',


import { jokeGptPipeline } from './jokegpt';
export const pipelines = {
jokegpt: jokeGptPipeline,
} as const;

Generic Vercel Edge Function

Next, create a generic Vercel Edge Function that will invoke the Pipeline based on the request path. You can now invoke any Pipeline and it will automatically run on Vercel Edge Functions (see below how).


The Generic Edge Function must be defined at /api/pipelines/[id].ts


import { pipelines } from '#/pipelines/pipelines'; // import your pipeline repository
import { vercelEdgeFunction } from '@aigur/client'; // import the helper
// export default the helper with your pipeline repository
export default vercelEdgeFunction(pipelines);
export const config = { // export the config
runtime: 'edge',

Invoke the Pipeline

We use the vercel.invoke helper function to invoke the Pipeline. Behind the scenes it will access our generic Edge Function, invoke the Pipeline and return the result.


jokeGptPipeline.vercel.invoke({ subject }).then(({text}) => {});

For streaming using the vercel.invokeStream helper function:


let text = '';
jokeGptStreamPipeline.vercel.invokeStream({ subject }, (res) => {
text += res;

Define Your Edge Function Manually

If you don't want to use the helper function, you can define your Pipeline Edge Functions manually:


import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';
import { jokeGptPipeline } from '#/pipelines/jokegpt'; // <-- import your pipeline
export default async function handler(req: NextRequest) {
const { input } = input = await req.json(); // <-- receive the input
const output = await jokeGptPipeline.invoke(input); // <-- invoke the pipeline
return NextResponse.json(output); // <-- return the output
export const config = {
runtime: 'edge', // <-- define the runtime as edge


import { jokeGptPipeline } from '#/pipelines/jokegpt'; // <-- import same pipeline
jokeGptPipeline.invokeRemote('/api/joke', { subject }) // <-- invoke the pipeline
.then(({ joke }) => {});