Pipeline Validation

You can validate your Pipeline's input using the validateInput method.


import { aigur } from '#/services/aigur';
import { gpt3Prediction, replaceString } from '@aigur/client';
export const jokeGptPipeline = aigur.pipeline.create<{ subject: string }, { joke: string }>({
id: 'jokegpt',
validateInput: (input) => {
if (input.subject.length > 100) {
return {
valid: false,
message: 'Subject is too long',
return {
valid: true
flow: (flow) =>
.node(replaceString, ({ input }) => ({
text: input.subject,
modifier: 'tell me a joke about $(text)$',
.node(gpt3Prediction, ({ prev }) => ({
prompt: prev.text,
.output(({ prev }) => ({
joke: prev.text,

Using Zod

Aigur also provides a zod helper to validate your input using Zod (opens in a new tab).


pnpm add @aigur/validate

@aigur/validate provides a function called validateInput that takes a Zod schema and returns a validation function that can be used in your pipeline.


import { aigur } from '#/services/aigur';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { gpt3Prediction, replaceString } from '@aigur/client';
import { validateInput } from '@aigur/validate';
const inputSchema = z.object({
subject: z.string(),
export const jokeGptPipeline = aigur.pipeline.create<z.input<typeof inputSchema>, { joke: string }>({
id: 'jokegpt',
validateInput: validateInput(inputSchema),
flow: (flow) =>
.node(replaceString, ({ input }) => ({
text: input.subject,
modifier: 'tell me a joke about $(text)$',
.node(gpt3Prediction, ({ prev }) => ({
prompt: prev.text,
.output(({ prev }) => ({
joke: prev.text,