Value Referencing

Composing a Pipeline consists of chaining different Nodes together. Each Node can reference a value from any previous executed nodes (all fully typed of course 🎉).

You can configure the input of a Node using the Input Function which is the second parameter of the flow.node function. The Input Function receives a callback that accepts five arguments: input, prev, nodes, memory and userId


The input argument references the values that were passed as arguments to the Pipeline itself with the invoke method.


myPipeline.invoke({ name: 'Boopsy' });
flow.node(replaceString, ({ input }) => ({
text:, // <-- 'Boopsy'
modifier: 'tell me a joke about $(text)$',
// ...


The prev argument references the output of the immediately previous node.


myPipeline.invoke({ name: 'Boopsy' });
flow.node(replaceString, ({ input }) => ({
text: input.subject,
modifier: 'tell me a joke about $(text)$',
.node(gpt3Prediction, ({ prev }) => ({
prompt: prev.text, // <-- 'tell me a joke about Boopsy'
// ...


The nodes argument gives you access to all previously executed nodes' outputs. The access is by their index in the pipeline definition.

Additional access methods are planned for future versions.


flow.node(replaceString, ({ input }) => ({
text: 'aaa',
modifier: 'AAA $(text)$',
.node(replaceString, ({ prev }) => ({
text: 'bbb',
modifier: 'BBB $(text)$',
.node(gpt3Prediction, ({ nodes }) => ({
prompt: `${nodes[0].output.text} ${nodes[1].output.text}`, // <-- 'AAA aaa BBB bbb'
// ...


See Memory for more details.


See UserId for more details.