
You can change the behavior of your Pipeline per user by sending the userId parameter when invoking a Pipeline.

Invoking With a User Id


myPipeline.invoke({ someProperty: someValue }, { userId: 'someUserId' });

Accessing the User Id


aigur.pipeline.create<{ subject: string }, { joke: string }>(
id: 'jokegpt',
flow: (flow) =>
// access the userId that was passed
.node(dbQuery, ({ userId }) => ({
type: 'select',
table: 'favorite_animals',
query: {
user_id: userId,
single: true
// prev is the result of the previous node
.node(replaceMultipleStrings, ({ input, prev }) => ({
strings: {
subject: input.subject,
userAnimal: prev.favorite_animal
modifier: 'tell me a joke about $(subject)$ or $(userAnimal)$',
.node(gpt3Prediction, ({ prev }) => ({
prompt: prev.text,
.output(({ prev }) => ({
joke: prev.text,

Pipeline Memory

When using Pipeline Memory the userId is combined with the pipelineId to be the key for the memory. This way you can save memory per user per pipeline.