
You can save and reuse values from one Pipeline invocation to another. This lets you create complex Pipelines that change according to the results of previous runs. Check out the Chatbot example for an interactive example.

Memory Manager

To enable Pipeline Memory you first need to define your Memory Manager when creating the Aigur Client instance.

Here is an example of using Upstash Redis (opens in a new tab) as your Memory Manager.


import { createClient } from '@aigur/client';
import { createUpstashRedisMemory } from '@aigur/memory-upstash-redis';
const aigur = createClient({
apiKeys: {},
memoryManager: createUpstashRedisMemory(),

Current available Memory Managers

  • @aigur/memory-upstash-redis - Uses Upstash Redis (opens in a new tab) to manage your persistent memory. Looks for the UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN and UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL environment variables.
  • More to come soon...

Define Your Memory Data Type

The aigur.pipeline.create function accepts an optional third generic type parameter that defines the type of your memory data. This is the data that will be saved and loaded between Pipeline invocations.


{ text: string },
{ name: string } // <-- Your memory data type

Consume Memory Data

When configuring the input of a Node using the Input Function (the second parameter of the flow.node function), you can access the memory data by using the memory parameter.


{ text: string },
{ name: string }
id: 'myPipeline',
flow: (flow) =>
({ memory }) => ({
someProperty: // <-- Consume memory data

Saving Memory Data

To save memory data, the flow.node function accepts an optional third parameter that is a function that returns an object which is the memory data to save. It can be partial data of the type you defined in the Pipeline creation. The memory update function receives 5 parameters:

  • input - The input data of the Node
  • output - The output data of the Node (even if it's a Stream node)
  • nodes - The Nodes of the Pipeline that were executed before the current Node
  • prev - The output of the immediate previous Node
  • memory - The current memory data

{ text: string },
{ name: string, age: number }
id: 'myPipeline',
flow: (flow) =>
() => ({
// configure node input
({ input, output, nodes, prev, memory }) => ({
name: output.text, // <-- We save only the "name" property here and not "age"


In order to save the memory data for a specific User you need to invoke the Pipeline with the userId parameter:

const { output } = await myPipeline.invoke({
someParameter: someValue
}, { userId: someUserId });
